Aug 5, 2010

today.. just today..

i see life differently today.. makes me feel so calm and ready.. makes me feel so into me... half of today i was in college... with my lovely friends.. they made me laugh and shiver (when im doing my presentation).. but mostly they make me crack a smile.. they have this insane idea sometimes that i feel unique in class.. we can express any feelings in it.. but at the same time we have to be critical and make some arguments about it... the subject is called innovative, creative and critical thinking... so yeah, it is that kind of class... and most of all i think the lecturer rock it all up..

at home... helping my mum and my sis in law and yess with my nephew... oh! and my maid.. to do the goody bags for this saturday... a lot to be done, so little time... well, my point is its a good feeling for me to spend my time with them...

i dont know why, today was like my appreciation day.. i just took my time and observe all of my love ones.. its like a feeling that i cant really explain.. but i know im glad to be in this life.. im grateful for all of this... thanks for everything... i thanked my god for all of this.. for this life.. even dough it has a little bitter in it but i know its a perfect one for me..

Aug 4, 2010

what kind of a friend are you again?? ops! EXfriend..

its a funny story.. you came up to me... be my friend.. da di da di da... then i got sick by ur drama.. i ignored u completely... its been months... now u tried to find me.. asking others about me...
f*ck!! seriously you are that kind of friend that just come when you really need them or maybe when your lonely... thats not a friend thats finding your slave.. idiot!!

f*ck!! u did my life miserable... back stabbing me... being my asshole friend... i know you now... and im soo glad ur not beside me when im happy...

f*ck!! because seriously now i know your not worth it.. and i make the right choice.. to ignore you and back off from your life.. and the MOST IMPORTANT THING IS , ACTUALLY IM THE ONE WHO DELETED YOU FROM MY ACCOUNT.. yeah im happy.. super duper happy... without you i think i can breath.. smile and laugh whenever f*ck i want to...

f*ck!! get out of my life... dont you ever come to me... because seriously i dont want any of your drama and social life...

to all my other lovely friends... lets party!..

Aug 3, 2010

concentrate with my life

college!! turn out to be A-ok.. meet up with new friends.. new environment.. new ways to forget about the past.. to kill the sad time.. bf? nah, not there not ever not interested.. i like the way i feel there.. new place, new air, new background.. freedom... is what people call.. well , when i got too stress with life ill just go to the gym.. work my ass up... dance class... yeah.. i just cant loose my focus... i need to be in this line for awhile.. until i fall and be dead... balancing my life is a very nice thing to do..

recently i have to do a presentation about pixar and disney.. and whoa.. i know a lot of information about them... do u know that mickey mouse was not the first cartoon walt disney ever made.. it was the alice comedies... cool huh.. after that it was the symphony cartoons then 'oswald the rabbit.. after all that after a few years 'mickey' mouse was born... huhu... wow when u really research about them u really have to know that deep until u try and shove it all in... well thats my trivia for now.. better get back to my assignments.. *peace out..

Aug 1, 2010

miss miss miss

July 16, 2009 at 1:00am
i miss u a lot...
i tried not to kacau u coz u said u needed time...
i hope i didnt do the wrong thing again...

his sweet msg.. hurm.. i mean all of his msg i still keep it..
since the 1st day we met... didnt have the heart to delete it all..
evendough were not in the same book doesnt mean i have to delete
all the memories right.. i miss him.. im evil but still i miss him a lot..
do i have to stop this dream.. yeah, u can laugh at me..
and call me crazy... im trying my best.. and its really hard..
to be happy and not sad.. to say ur not loving anyone but
actually u still are..